Wednesday 8 July 2009

Solar Powered Apparatus for Use Outdoors or When Taking a Trip

You can use a Monocrystalline panel to power small appliances outside. When you camp there is nothing that is so much of a problem than to have the batteries for a small appliance such as a cooler, thermos, radio, or a device for art and entertainment not working. Solar powered camping apparatus affords you a comfortable experience outdoors without having to purchase expensive, short lived batteries.

A flashlight or lantern is standard camping plant. A solar powered flashlight may gather energy from the sun during daylight hours and be employed for use in the evening. With a solar powered flashlight you don't have to replace those batteries.

Your usual cook stoves and griddles use oil, propane, or some other fossil fuel based energy source that not only cost money but cause damage to the environment through toxic contaminants or noxious smoke.

Use of solar powered cooking equipment allows you to harness the sun's energy to power up and operate the heating coils in the evening. You won't have any emissions or contaminants. Energy from the sun is clean and renewable. When you are enjoying the great outdoors, you might want to bring a small electronic device like a DVD player, radio, music player, or even a small television. These devices harness solar energy through Monocrystalline panels battery combo in which the solar cells get their energy from sun, which is then stored in the battery.

You will not have to employ generators that contaminate the air, or your car engine that must be kept running in order to generate electricity, as you can use the Monocrystalline panel and bring all the electronics you want to the camping site. Some people don't like to camp because they are away from their comfortable homes and all the things they can do with electricity. Now you can take your lethargic friends, get them out in the woods where they can still enjoy the comforts of home, and at the same time see nature's wonder.

The initial price of the solar powered camping is a little high, but you must consider things like the battery price, the comfort of having your electronic devices, and the fact that you are conserving the environment. A solar powered camping trip is fun for your family, and it is also good for the Earth.

Heavy duty appliances like fridge freezers and cookers will require a lot more power than a calculator, so where as you may use thin film panels in a calculator, you will need a monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar cell to power these.

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